Saturday, December 25, 2010


The Fisherman’s Memorial above the harbor at Trinidad, California, the last anchorage on the far-northern Redwood Coast before Crescent City and Oregon. On the southern horizon are the lights of crab fishermen, taking one last cut at the winter harvest before a Christmas storm. (©Ted Pease 2010)

Eager Morning

Christmas Eve sunrise above the Fisherman’s Memorial in Trinidad, California. (©Ted Pease 2010)


Brenda celebrates daughter Tammy’s 40-somethingth birthday, Christmas Eve, 2010.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Two Mornings

What a difference a day makes, from frigid inversion blanketing the Cache Valley . . .

. . . to a rosy December sunrise reflecting pink on the winter fog. (©Ted Pease 2010)